Volunteer on campus, in the community or even internationally with us and get more from your University of Leeds experience.
It doesn’t matter if you’re new to volunteering or volunteer regularly, you will be trained and supported to ensure that you feel as equipped as possible in whichever volunteering role you want to be involved in. Check our our portfolio of opportunities below, and if you’re not sure what you fancy then get your name down on our volunteer register and we’ll drop you an email when something you might like comes up.
Our Volunteering Opportunities
We have lots of great opportunities for students to get involved in and they’re not all for ‘sporty’ people. We’ll give you the training, mentoring and support you need to maximise your volunteering and boost your CV so you can land that dream job.
Please note these opportunities are exclusively aimed at current/ prospective University of Leeds students only. Applications will not be accepted from the wider public or from other local institutions.
We have a lot of opportunities to volunteer on campus. From volunteering amongst your fellow students or supporting projects that take part across our campus and facilities.
Want to give back in the community or internationally?
We have roles with local community organisations and opportunities to volunteer in South Africa.
For those students that are not able to commit to regular volunteering, There are many one-off opportunities that take place throughout the year.
Interested in Volunteering?
Not sure what you fancy doing right now but want to be kept in the loop with upcoming volunteer opportunities? Get your name down below;
For more information on any of the above or an informal chat contact s.garnett@leeds.ac.uk or 0113 343 1544. If you are an organisation looking to recruit volunteers please get in touch as we would love to support your organisation. For more information on wider volunteering opportunities outside of sport across the University & the city visit the Leeds Volunteering Hub on MyCareer.