Thursdays are for Body Jam and for everyone.
Here at The Edge, we run a timetable of over 100 live classes per week for our members. In October, we introduced a new Pay as You Go Body Jam session available to our existing members, as well as any new non-members that want to give it a try!
The class takes place on Thursdays at 5.30pm in one of our fantastic sports halls at The Edge and costs just £7 to non-members.
With lots of space to play with and dance around, there is plenty of opportunity for anyone to book and come on down with a friend, or even make some new ones. Since its commencement at the beginning of October, the class now attracts nearly 50 people each week and there is even room for more!
Come and join our beloved instructor Pablo for an evening of fun and book a space now!
All Edge bookings for existing members can be made here.
For non-members, please reserve your space by contacting Reception – 0113 343 5095.