Introducing our Group Exercise Coordinator and Fitness Instructor, Michelle Smith. 

Here, Michelle tells us a little about her background, her biggest inspiration and how she likes to stay active. 


Michelle Smith

Job role:

Group Exercise Coordinator and fitness instructor at the Edge

What does your role entail:

Alongside teaching classes, my role is to organise the class timetables, to refresh it with new classes and instructors on a regular basis and to ensure the timetable runs smoothly with minimal cancellations or disruptions. This year has been challenging but we have expanded our offering to include outdoor classes and live streaming classes over Zoom. Both have proved incredibly popular and my instructors have been so very happy to return to teaching.

How long have you been working at The Edge:

Just over 4 years

What do you love most about The Edge:

I love the vibrancy of working on a university campus. It feels fresh, exciting and different to other clubs I’ve worked at. You get such a mix of people in the studio from all walks of life and that makes the classes more interesting. I also love my fantastic team of instructors; they are enthusiastic, knowledgeable and professional and I appreciate what they do for the Edge.

Where are members most likely to find you:

Either working in the SPA office at the Edge, teaching fitness classes or singing loudly to the Foo Fighters in the spin studio!

Your favourite way to stay active:

I like variety. I like HIIT, Spin, Body Pump and occasional running but lockdown has seen my interest in weight training grow as I’ve seen good results from this.

Your biggest sport/fitness inspiration:

Jane Tomlinson was inspirational to me. She continued exercising and raising money for charity whilst battling cancer. That inspired me to raise money for charity whilst fighting my own medical issues.

Top fitness tip:

Find something you enjoy doing and work hard to do it well.

Interesting fact about yourself:

I appeared in a national commercial at the age of 11 advertising an amusement park alongside Frank Bruno, a very famous boxer at that time.


Be sure to try out one of Michelle’s fantastic classes. See our class timetable here.