Our Facilities Masterplan
It is essential that we look ahead and consider how our customers will consume sport and physical activity in the future.
Here, we illustrate our key facility developments for the next 5-7 years.
Sport and Physical Activity need to ensure that we are in a position to contribute to an excellent student experience at the University of Leeds. We also wish to continue to provide a great place for people to work, ensuring that more of our staff, student and community users are regularly active and maintain a healthy and happy lifestyle.
We’ve been working hard to update and refresh our strategic plan, ‘Climbing Higher’, to help meet the challenges of the next few years and into the future. Our Masterplan explores how we can ensure high quality, fit for purpose sports facilities in line with this strategic vision, over the next 5 years.
Below is a snapshot of our Masterplan. You can read the full Masterplan document at the end of the page.