Basic Exercises: Perfect your technique Part 2

Exercise techniques

Improving your form Personal Trainer, Lucy, gives you some new tips on how to complete some more basic home exercises and ensure you are using the correct form. 1. Lunge Lunges can help you achieve a stronger and more stable core while improving balance and posture. Ensure that you have good posture and your core […]

Healthy peanut butter, dark chocolate and banana cookies

healthy homemade cookies recipe

Kate Petty, from the Health and Wellbeing team, is back with another recipe. This time it’s homemade cookies! Made with store cupboard staples, this recipe is a healthy alternative to your average cookie and is the perfect snack for any time of day. You can easily adapt the recipe to make it vegan by using […]

Press up guide for beginners

beginner press up guide

Personal Trainer, Andy Donaldson, has created a press up guide for beginners. Introduction Press ups are easy-to-perform, suitable for all fitness levels and can be done anytime, anywhere without the need for any special kit or equipment. Press ups are one of the four essential compound bodyweight exercises, with the other three being: squats, pull-ups […]

Low fat turkey bolognese

healthy low fat turkey bolognese

Kate Petty, from the Health and Wellbeing team, shares a low fat alternative to bolognese. Swap your beef mince for turkey to reduce the fat content of this classic Italian dish. It may be lighter, but the sauce is just as thick and tasty! If you want to go that one step further and make […]

Basic Exercises: Perfect your technique

Exercise techniques

Improving your form Personal Trainer, Lucia, gives you some top tips on how to complete some basic home exercises with correct form. These can be done in any space with minimal equipment.   1. The plank The Plank is a fantastic, static exercise which strengthens your core. Keep your hands below your shoulders and fingers […]

Quick and easy healthy flapjack

quick and easy healthy flapjack

Kate Petty, from the Health and Wellbeing team, shares her favourite flapjack recipe. These quick and easy flapjacks are packed full of nutritious ingredients that are slow releasing so they will keep you fuller for longer. They are perfect for a morning or afternoon snack during work or study and you can even freeze some […]

5 ways to improve your sleep

tips on improving your sleep

It’s essential to go back to the basics of good health during this unprecedented time — and that includes good sleep. Lucy Alderman, one of our Exercise Referral Instructors, has suggested 5 ways to improve your sleep during this time. Keep your sleeping pattern consistent It may be tempting to stay up into the early […]

The Edge features again at the National Fitness Awards

Sport & Physical Activity, The Edge has been shortlisted for the fourth year in a row at the National Fitness Awards, this time in the category of Education Facility of the Year. The National Fitness Awards is an annual event which recognises excellence and achievement in gyms throughout the country. The Education Facility of the Year […]