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Reformer Pilates at The Edge!

A brand new Reformer Pilates class has launched at The Edge!…
January 8, 2025/by Emily Halsall

The Edge wins Educational Facility of the Year

Two weeks ago The Edge rose above strong competition to be…
December 4, 2023/by Emily Halsall

Your membership fees reinvested kind of gym

State of the art facilities
Here at The Edge we work hard to…
October 18, 2023/by Emily Halsall

Active living: enhancing your physical and mental wellbeing

It’s so important for us to stay active. It can be so easy…
June 28, 2023/by Emily Halsall

Maximising sleep quality: essential habits for wellbeing and productivity

Healthy habits for a restful night's sleep
Sleep plays a vital…
June 27, 2023/by Emily Halsall

Fitness for the Future: The Edge’s Sustainable Fitness Practices

The Edge has taken the leap towards a greener future by implementing…
June 5, 2023/by Emily Halsall

Fresh Start Festival Activity Timetable 2023

Monday 30 January – Sunday 5 February

After the incredible…
January 20, 2023/by Kate Petty

The Edge reopens with a brand-new look

The fitness suite and spin studio refurbishment at the Edge –…
September 28, 2022/by Becky Knight

The Edge hosts The British Transplant Games

The British Transplant Games
The British Transplant Games aim…
August 3, 2022/by Emily Halsall

Alternative spaces to train during the refurbishment

The fitness suite and spin studio will be closing from Wednesday…
July 19, 2022/by Emily Halsall

Zynk announced as official partner

Wellness design experts Zynk Design have been appointed as the…
June 23, 2022/by Emily Halsall

Staff and Students Join AJ Bell Triathlon

AJ Bell World Triathlon
Staff and students descended on Roundhay…
June 21, 2022/by Emily Halsall
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