We hope you all had a great winter break and would like to offer our congratulations for finishing the exam period! There are lots of exciting activities coming up this semester that we can’t wait to share with you; including walking trips, run club and climbing!

Walking trips

The first few trips of the semester (including our Fresh Start Festival walks) have sold out. We have more walks planned that will be launching in the coming weeks. Walks through February include; Malham Cove, Llandudno and fantastic Lake District destinations such as Ambleside and Coniston.

Photo of people exploring the inside of a cave in Keswick.


The latest trips will be released soon, so keep an eye on our website for more information.

Climbing with GOGA

Climbing is back this semester! We have weekly taster sessions every Wednesday where you can try different types of climbing; including bouldering and rope climbing!

Photo of a person belaying another person rope climbing

Whether you want to try something new, sharpen up old skills or take climbing up as a new hobby, there is something for everyone!

Our expert instructors offer Learn to Climb courses at The Edge where you can grow your skills from climbing to belaying! Stay active with our climbing team this semester!

Climbing with GOGA

Our run club has already kicked off for Semester 2, on Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout term time. Run club welcomes people of all abilities. If you’re interested in getting involved you can book on for free via our website or join our Microsoft Teams group to learn more!


We’re excited to get started and see you all keeping active this semester!